Maintain Curriculum Quality, Science Education Study Program Conducts FGDs


Group photo (committee doc)
The atmosphere of the discussion (doc. committee)

Banjarmasin – The Natural Science Education Study Program (PIPA) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held an event entitled Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum Development. This focus group discussion activity was held for two days on Tuesday-Wednesday, August 20-21, 2024 at Harper Hotel Banjarmasin starting at 08.00 WITA. The event was opened by the Coordinator of PS PIPA, Syubhan Annur and attended by lecturers in PS PIPA.

In his speech, Syubhan expressed his gratitude for organizing this activity which is indeed important to do in order to maintain the quality of the PS PIPA curriculum. According to him, the purpose of holding this discussion is to adjust the demands of the university curriculum which emphasizes OBE, as well as to adjust to the dynamic needs of industry and external parties for PS PIPA graduates themselves.

A number of parties were asked to share relevant information and experiences related to external needs that need to be responded to in the context of preparing this curriculum, including Dedy Refzan from the science industry, De’Grren Farm Hydroponics; Muhamad Mustain, Principal of Global Islamic Boarding School (GIBS) from the alumni user element (Principal who employs Alumni); Muhammad Akhsanal Huda Iskandar from Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Falah Putera from the alumni element; Firda Rahmah from the active student element, and the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) FKIP, Ananda Setiawan who was present to provide a briefing.

Workshop participants agreed that in addition to the science of science education, it is also important to prepare a curriculum that provides soft skills to face the challenges of the world of work, such as how to deal with parents and facilitate effective learning for students with special needs. In addition, the practice of science entrepreneurship needs more direct practice so that it can not only produce unique products but also be able to optimize resource management. (admin)