PKKMB, 1786 Students Ready to Study at FKIP ULM


PKKMB Day 1 session centered in the Auditorium of ULM Banjarbaru (doc. ULM Public Relations)
PKKMB Session 2 at GB ULM

Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on August 13-16, 2024 held a series of Campus Life Introduction activities for New Students (PKKMB) for the Academic Year (FY) 2024-2025. This activity was divided into 3 sessions, namely, the university introduction session on August 13-14, the faculty introduction session on August 15, and the Study Program (PS) introduction session on August 16. This activity was attended by 1786 new students who were accepted in 21 PS in FKIP ULM. The first session of PKKMB was centered in the Auditorium of ULM Banjarbaru, General Building (GB) ULM and SAC (Student Activity Center) Banjarmasin, the second session was held in GB, SAC, Hasan Bondan Hall and other halls in FKIP ULM, while the third session was held in a number of classrooms in FKIP ULM Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru.

In the first session of PKKMB, FKIP students and other ULM students were officially inaugurated. They were then introduced to the university management structure, from the rector to the dean of each faculty at ULM, including the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki. Students also received a number of important materials including the Higher Education System in Indonesia: Higher Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0; Local Content of Waja Sampai ka Puting College; Student Character Development; Introduction to Student Organizations; Introduction to Student Services; and others.

In the second session of PKKMB, students got acquainted with FKIP leaders, namely the dean, vice deans, head of general affairs, PS coordinators (Korprodi), and heads of subsections. They also received material on the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Policy by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; delivery of faculty academic guidelines and utilization of Simari for students by the Head of Academic Subdivision, Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Socialization of SKPI and SKKM by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman, as well as the introduction of faculty-level student organizations. In his opening remarks, the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki expressed his appreciation to the organizing committee. He also congratulated 1786 new students who had been accepted at FKIP ULM. The professor of PE Education also said that in addition to the new S-1 students who will study, FETT ULM also received 2115 In-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) PS students, and 468 Pre-Service PPG PS students. “You are all studying in the right place,” he said enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, in the third session at the study program, they got acquainted with the management of the study program and the study program lecturers who would teach them, got to know the curriculum and the technical use of Simari, as well as the introduction of student organizations at the study program level. According to Korprodi Pendidikan Geografi, Karunia Puji Astuti, she was very enthusiastic about this welcome. The PS manager introduced the geography education PS curriculum, namely the 2020 Curriculum, and also socialized a number of MBKM’s flagship programs in 2024. “For sarpras (infrastructure -red), especially in the laboratory, God willing, this year or next year new equipment will come as a realization of the laboratory revitalization program at ULM,” she said. (admin)

PKKMB PS Penjas in Banjarbaru (doc. Committee)