UPKH FKIP ULM Soon Launches SIMANJA Application to Facilitate the Issuance of PKS


Simanja application trial

Banjarmasin – The Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) and the Information Communication technology (ICT) Unit of FKIP ULM on Monday, February 26, 2024 held a trial of the Cooperation Management System (Simanja) application. This application will be used in the future to facilitate the process of issuing Cooperation Agreement (PKS) documents at the faculty level and Implementation Agreement (IA) documents at the Study Program (PS) level. These two documents have recently become very important because they are the legal umbrella for the implementation of cooperation between FETT ULM and various parties where the cooperation itself is an important parameter in the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of Higher Education which includes the implementation of tridarma. All implementation of IKU involving external parties will be guaranteed validity through the umbrella of these two documents in addition to the main document at the university level, namely the Memo of Understanding (MoU).

According to Nuruddin Wiranda, Head of ICT, the Simanja application is a simple application but has a very important function. “In it, there are a number of features including checking the availability of MoUs on cooperation partners where if the MoU already exists, PKS and IA documents can be immediately created. Another feature is the creation of the PKS itself which can be filled in by both parties simultaneously and the end result is the issuance of PKS or IA to be signed together. This application is also designed so that evidence of IA in the form of reports can be uploaded so that the data can be directly accessed by interested parties.” (admin)