Banjarmasin – The Educational Technology Student Association (Hima Tekpen) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) successfully held the National Seminar of Indonesian Student Education Temu (TEMA) on September 12, 2024 which took place at the Lecture Theater FEB ULM Banjarmasin with the theme “Education in the Modern Era: Building a Bridge between Tradition and Transformation” starting at 09.00 WITA.
This seminar presented three great speakers including the Mayor of Banjarmasin, Ibnu Sina; Coordinator of the Tekpen Study Program (PS) FKIP ULM, Susanti Sufyadi; and also a Content Creator who is often called the President of the Noisy District or the President of Gen Z, namely Rian Fahardhi.
In his remarks, Rifkha Adji Zulfan as the person in charge of the TEMA National Seminar expressed his pride in the implementation of this great activity. Adji also did not forget to thank the speakers who attended, Vice Dean 1 FKIP ULM Prof. Dessy Arisanti, lecturers and educational staff of the Educational Technology study program, seminar participants as well as all students and committees who have helped make this national level seminar a success.
The Indonesian Student Education Gathering National Seminar is one of the major activities in the series of Semarak Teknologi Pendidikan (STEP) 2024 events. The activity, which was also attended and opened directly by the Vice Dean 1 of FKIP ULM Prof. Dessy Arisanti, was attended by more than 170 participants from various institutions and attended by all lecturers and educational staff of the Educational Technology study program.
The discussion began with the presentation of material by Susanti Sufyadi, moderated by Lazaro Kumala Dewi. In this first session, the discussion was very interactive especially when,. Susanti read one of the children’s story books that invited laughter throughout the room. The second speaker, Ibnu Sina, discussed the problems of education in South Kalimantan. Many participants were interested in the issue so they raised several questions which were then immediately responded to by him.
The next discussion session was filled by Rian Fahardhi. True to his nickname, Rian presented the material in a relaxed gen z style. Moderated by Noor Azmy, Rian started the discussion by asking the participants about their feelings towards fast-paced technological advances. At the end, the discussion and Q&A session was interactive.
The presentation of various materials from competent and experienced speakers helped seminar participants develop various thoughts and ideas as well as positive insights to improve skills in student self-development. This National Seminar is expected to open students’ insights about the importance of preserving Banjar culture in the effort. (admin)
Contributor of the article: Hima Tekpen FKIP ULM