Duet Ikhsan and Alya Win the Selection of FKIP ULM Ambassador 2024,


FKIP 2024 Ambassadors, Muhammad Ikhsan Fahruraji from PGSD and Nur Alya Hanum from English Education (doc. committee)
Photo with the selected FETT ULM ambassadors, the judges (Nanik Mariani, Novitawati, and Putri Yunita Permata Kumala Sari), and the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman. (doc. committee)

Banjarmasin – The annual agenda of the student and alumni subdivision of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), namely the election of FKIP ULM Ambassadors, was held again for 2024. The Student Executive Board (BEM) of FKIP ULM as the organizing committee held this activity in the Balairung Sari building, South Kalimantan Cultural Park (TBKS) on Saturday, June 15, 2024 starting at 2024. Previously, a selection had been carried out by a jury consisting of 3 lecturers from FKIP ULM, including Nanik Mariani from the English Education Study Program (PS), Novitawati from the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program (PG PAUD), and Putri Yunita Permata Kumala Sari from the Performing Arts Education Study Program (PSP). From the selection results, the Top 5 were chosen.

The series of core events for the FETT Ambassador 2024 election consisted of introducing the top 5 finalists, speech sessions, question and answer sessions with the jury and determining the FETT Ambassador ULM 2024 by the jury. From the jury session, the winners were chosen as follows, Most Favorite Ambassador Male: Angga Fitriana (PS Geography Education); Favorite Female Ambassador: Princess Salsabella (Economics Education); Male Talented Ambassador: Irfan Anas Wahyudi (PS Mathematics Education); Female Talented Ambassador, Adinda Febriantini (PS PG PAUD); Male Runner Up 2 Ambassador: Muhammad Ade Wardheni (PS Economic Education); Female Runner Up 2 Ambassador, Nida Athiya Mahfudz (PS Physical Education); Male Runner Up 1 Ambassador: Rusmad (PS Educational Technology); Runner Up 1 Female Ambassador: Mulyana Nur Amalia (Elementary School Teacher Education).

Meanwhile, the Male FKIP ULM Ambassador was Muhammad Ikhsan Fahruraji from PGSD PS, and the Female FKIP ULM Ambassador was Nur Alya Hanum from English Education PS. Congratulations to the winners.

One of the judges, Nanik Mariani, said that the FKIP Ambassador finalists had been strictly selected in terms of intellect, attitude, public speaking, socio-cultural skills and the ability to display talent, as well as good Indonesian and English language skills. “Thus, they are really well selected as FETT ambassador finalists who will carry the good name of the faculty and also ULM,” she said.

Hopefully the winners will continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (admin)