For Orderly Administration, FETT ULM Holds Financial Management Meeting


The atmosphere of the FETT ULM FY 2024 financial meeting (doc. Dharmono)

Banjarmasin – As part of a routine that supports the smooth running of financial management, as in previous years, the financial manager at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) level at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a financial meeting at the beginning of the 2024 fiscal year (FY) with the Study Program Coordinator (Korprodi) and the financial manager of the Study Program (PS) within FKIP ULM. This meeting was held in the FKIP ULM meeting room on Monday, February 5, 2024 from 14.00-15.00 WITA.

Acting as resource persons in the presentation of meeting materials, Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono and Assistant Expenditure Treasurer (BPP), Indra Nur Adhitya. The meeting was held with the aim of equalizing perceptions and understanding of the rules and regulations in financial accountability. Matters discussed in this meeting included the mechanism of financial accountability from the beginning of budgeting to the filing of accountability reports; documents that must be included in the financial accountability report; standard rules in financial accountability, for example tax imposition rules, purchasing rules, donation rules, and so on; explanation of the rules for procurement of goods and services including the use of domestic production. (admin)