Social Studies Education Study Program Visit to Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia


Group photo (doc. Humas Fakulti Pendidikan UKM)

Bangi, Malaysia – In line with the visit of a number of Study Program (PS) managers within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) to Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Perak, Malaysia on June 10-12, 2024, the Head of Social Science Education (PIPS), Mutiani together with Professor of PIPS, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas also made an academic visit to the Faculty of Education of Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This visit was carried out together with Arbin Janu Setiyowati who is the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Education, State University of Malang, and two of her team members.

The group was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Khairul Azhar Jamaludin and the Deputy Dean for Industry & Community Networks in the Minda 1 Gate room. Also present in this activity were the Head of the Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation Studies, Madya, Deputy Academic Director and Program Development, Fariza Khalid; and other members, Hazrati Husnin, Aidah Abdul Karim, Intan Farahana Kamsin, and Hanita Hanim Ismail.

The visit lasted almost two hours and began with an introduction from the host, then a sharing session on Ethnopedagogy by Mutiani, followed by a discussion on the sustainability of the implementation of cooperation between the two institutions. According to Mutiani, several things related to the implementation plan of this collaboration include a matching grant program for collaborative research and publications. (admin)