Tidying Up PS Page Management, ICT Unit of FKIP ULM Holds Technical Guidance


Vice Dean 2, Chief Executive Officer, and participants.

Banjarmasin – The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Unit of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Saturday-Sunday, July 6-7, 2024, held a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) on the Use of Open Source Applications for the Creation and Management of websites or pages of Study Programs (PS) in FKIP ULM. The technical guidance was held at the Treepark Hotel starting at 08.30 WITA.

This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dharmono and attended by ICT managers, namely the chairman, Nuruddin Wiranda; secretary, Muhammad Sa’aduddien Khair; and staff, Ponco Sisworo and Muhammad Naufal Yaasir. The main activity was also attended by the page managers of 21 PS in FKIP ULM along with representatives of faculty level units.

The speakers were Nuruddin Wiranda who provided training on developing PS profile pages using Open Source CMS and Galih Rizki Khairul Ulum who provided material on the use of open source CMS, templates and plugins for developing PS pages. On the next day the participants were guided to use the application of creating and managing multilingual plugins on the pages of each PS in FKIP ULM.

According to the head of the ICT unit, Nuruddin Wiranda, the technical guidance on the use of open source applications for the creation and management of the PS page aims to train the PS page operator’s ability to develop and homogenize the menu structure presented on the PS page. This activity was also carried out as a faculty effort in preparation for the international accreditation of 9 PS which will be carried out this year and 12 other PS plus 1 professional education program prepared in the coming year.

He hopes that with this guidance, the PS page structure in FKIP ULM will be more uniform and complete in accordance with the standards set by the faculty. The standards set by the faculty refer to the page standards for international accreditation. In addition to the structure, it is expected that the PS page will also have multilingual features so that it is better prepared for international accreditation. On the other hand, this activity is also expected to increase the competence of PS operators in website development.

“After the technical guidance is completed, it is planned to hold further evaluations related to the menu structure that has been socialized and the readiness of the PS to face international accreditation. In addition, various other activities will be held aimed at improving the competence of study program operators in FKIP ULM,” he said. (admin)

The atmosphere when the technical guidance was held